Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Life is kicking in.

Well IN was fun. we actually hit the race track this time and I got to watch danica Patrick race her car, and Helio castronva! It was pretty awesome. HOWEVER since I have been home we have discovered a few new things. First HEADWATERS IS CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!! Now this may not mean alot to Alot of you. BUT to Jenny, Dave and I it means ALOT. This is the place were Jenny and I first discovered Daves drinking problem. :):) Second, WHY can't people stay married now a days? I just heard some of my closest friends are on the verge of divorce. Very Sad. Third and Finally a verydear friend may not be able to have a beer for a long while with us. Long story I'm not gonna get into it but its a bummer TRUST ME!!!!!! Thats about it for news on my front. I am off of work for the next week and looking forward to some relaxing time! :):) And hopefully will get to see my nephews who I miss dearly. I'll check in again later.


  1. Sounds like the makings of a sad summer. :(

  2. well we are keeping our fingers crossed its not. I'm not ready to give up on it yet. :)
