Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Size 0 by my Birthday!!!!

OK so its really out in the open now so i guess I'll come clean. yes I have joined a diet program. Its the medical weight loss clinic here in Grand rapids. I'm still very iffy on it but doing my damdest to make it work. The picture below is just 1 meal for me. I eat about 6 times a day all yummy grocery store food. So we shall see. I have since I really started (3 days ago) droped 5lbs. So if you see the montra size 0 by my birthday just go with it! I know I could never be a size 0 its just the thought!. So thats it for now. I'll post later when I have more to report! :)


  1. YaY..for the 5 lbs..And the food looks way yummie..

  2. uhhh....there's a zero IN the size I wear....does that count?
