Saturday, December 19, 2009

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well its almost here. I got mom's present ordered last night and I'll be picking Ryans up when i get home wed evening. Other than that I'm done and ready for the Christmas season. Hope everyone has a GREAT one and don't forget MY new years eve party here at my new place. Just let me know if your coming so i can have a rough head count!! :):) Other than that i have posted my Christmas cards below these are what I sent out to everyone this year just thought you all would get a kick out of it too (even though its my pic on FB) Anyways MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

Love Santa's Naughty Elf!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Big Reveal!!!!!

Well its all done. Got all moved in cable and internet guys showed up bout an hour ago and now I can finally post some pics. Looks like my housewarming party will be combined this year with my Annual New Years Eve party so let me know whose coming so i can plan. :):) See ya soon!

This is the living room
This one and the one below make up the kitchen (its a big kitchen)

And of course where all the magic happens The BEDROOM!!!!! (Kidding mom)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Black Friday...Good Friday

Well yet another Black Friday has past and another shopping trip of the Schenk girls has taken place. we tried it a little earlier this year. Mom and I got up at 2am. And took of for grayling and picked up Steph and Michelle and headed for Traverse City at 3:30. We had good roads this year but yet mom still managed to almost kill us. The first major curve we came up on mom thought she wouldn't slow down for it. I finally screamed from the back seat of the van (we took Michelle's van this year) "SHARP CURVE MOM VERY SHARP CURVE" at which point she hit the breaks and came to a screeching halt. :):) So that was our only major event. Other that that things went fairly smoothly. I have a pic posted below of Steph and Michelle relaxing while I was looking at buying couches.!!(I didn't but almost and I may still) other than that, I got some great deals. I did all my totallying and my subtotal was $444.00 My ACTUAL total was only $320.00 YEAH ME!!!!! And my B E A Utiful duvet cover is posted below in a pic too. All in all a great year, great fun, and great shopping!!!! :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Not too much to add!

Just thought I would fill in a post and drop a couple of updates. Though not very it is.
1.I completely understand Micheal Jacksons Need for SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (if it takes drugs I get that 100%).
2.This CCI Science Exam is HARD
3.I have the BEST 3 nephews EVER! HANDS DOWN
4.I have applied for a cute little 2bdr apartment that I love.
5.I LOVE having a bank account. So much so that I hate to spend it all on an apartment. EVEN though this is what I am saving it for.
6.I am COMPLETLY and UTTERLY spoiled at one of my jobs (in comparison to the other)
7.UNEMPLOYMENT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8.Baracade is the cop car in the transformer movies (thank you Russell for setting me straight)
9.I'm thinking about switching from Coke to Coffee (lets hope it works)
10.I CAN"T WAIT FOR MY OWN PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11.Why are we sending H1N1 vaccinnes to prisoners????????
12.Family may be your best friend or family may be your worst enemy depends on the day! :)
13. Even though I have been home for 11months I still miss THE LAND OF BAD CHOICES and all the people there. :(
See I told ya not much going on in my life hence the non updates. :) So I'm off to work and when I have something to post I will post it.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Cute Moment!

Seriously I'm not sure it gets much more cute than this. His dad would pick him up he would hold the ball right there then look at me and wait for me to watch then he would slam dunk it!!!!! Adorable!!!!!! I tell you when all seems wrong and horrible in the world all I do it look at this little man (or one of the other two nephews) and life just doesn't seem to matter!!!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


OK so I have to make a decions. But first a little background. I am now employed at 3 jobs! I am working PRN as and Echo Tech a 1NIGHT a week and every 3rd weekend as an ER clerk at Carson City and also as an Echo Tech at Spectrum Health PRN also in greenville MI. SO I will be in a position to get my apartment. So heres the decision part. Do I go with apartment A or B. Here are the options plz weigh in and let me know your thoughts!!.
A. 2bdr. Central Air $500 security $565 a month. A run down patio out back. down stairs.
B. 1bdr. Spot for portable air conditioner. $620 security $565 a month. Includes Heat has a cute balcony and is upstairs.
Both have garbage, lawn, snow, water and dishwashers.
Thats wat I got so fill me in peeps what do I do??????

Monday, August 17, 2009

My study Tool

Enough Said!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Ok so in the interest of updating my blog I am drawing from a few other blogs that I read. First whats been up...
Presently I am registering to take my CCI Science Exam... Y not my boards you ask well lets just say its not pretty DON"T ASK!!!!!!!
A few things I have learned as of late...
1.NEVER and I do mean NEVER trust what your instructors tell you. I promis you they are lying.
2.There are days in life when you realize you really don't care that your brake shoes are broken and that is the LEAST of all of your problems.
3.I'm becoming rather well at the whole interviewing thing.
4.Sometimes even your bestest friend in the whole world can let you down(no thats not a dig Jenny)
5.Some days in life you are the bug and some days in life you are the windshield. (thanks Julia thats awsome)
is going to KICK BUTT and I am TOTALLY looking forward to it!!!.
7.Seriously if you don't know by now that the Def lepard drummer only has one arm I'm not sure I can let people know that you are my family. (sorry I still love ya but REALLY????)
8.There really is NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!!
9.Next time I loose my friend in the bar I'm just gonna go straight to the sidewalk and...NO wait If I ever loose my FRIEND (and we all know who you are) in the bar again I'm gonna kick your HINEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next, you know you have reached the Epidimy of your life when you can't get back into the bar because its to croweded and your brother tells the band members and the band memebers SNEAK YOU IN the BACK DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously some things just make EVERYTHING in life better
And lastly...I think... Jenny in answer to your blog I have two words...Will Smith...and in case you doubt me heres a little reminder...

Monday, July 20, 2009

My Birthday Party!!

Well I have attached some pics. It was the best birthday so far. First of all thanks to Jenny, Steph, and Anne for all your hard work and planning. IT WAS AWSOME!!!!! Then thanks to EVERYONE who showed. Each and everyone one of you made it special in your own way. (ok enough sap on with the pics :):) )

Ok so here we have all the people getting their togas on and ready to hit the speak easy!! :):)

Here we have everyone who showed. You guys all rock

Me with my "i'm kinda a big deal hat"

And of course "OMG ITS CRAIG DAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

And last but certainly not least (i just don't have access to all the pics yet) the BEAUTIFUL cake A. Di made me!!!!!
Thanks again people I love you all

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bike Ride

Well the picture kinda speaks for itself. I went on the bike with my dad 255miles. He said by the end he couldn't even tell I was behind him. (I think that means I did good) So thats all. We had a blast. I WAS FREEZING On the way home but it was still fun.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sarah's wedding!

I know they made and ADORABLE couple!!! :):) Sarah had the great idea of hiring a photo booth for the reception. It was a HIT!!! everyone loved it and well she left 4 of us cousins alone with tones of ideas running through our heads and this is what she got....
So after all that I decided to take a pic of myself for her...Oh and I wanted them to remember the shoes...HEY they were Hot, sexy, my best ever shoes. They need to be memorialized!!!

Congrats Aharon and Sarah. I love you both, and wish you all the best!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

A Monumental Moment

Well today it happened!!!!!
Yep the car roled 200000 miles today, and I might add is RUNNING LIKE A CHAMP!!!!! Baring the tune up that is scheduled on it for thursday! :):) Just thought I would share! :)

Friday, June 26, 2009


If your car is broken or breaking I DON"T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not today or tomorrow after that feel free to call! Until then I will be fixing my car my moms truck dads air ryans air and making sure stephs aztek is running good.!!!! I'm full. I should start charging for this!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Life Lesson 2

Ok this may be normal to some people To me Not so much! :) As you all know I will do whatever I can to make my nephews happy and if that involves playing video games, basketball, or transformers, I'll do it. SO today Russell was trying out a...wait for it...POGO STICK!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah thats right. He wasn't having much luck so I said here russell this is how you do entire LEFT SIDE is hurting. I think I got one jump in before down onto the cement I went. Ask steph she was there. It hurt like a mother.!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Life Lesson

OK so I was playing on snopes the other day and came across this list. Its called 45 things life taught me! Some guy wrote it. Anyways the point is take some time to go and read it. It kinda puts life in perspective! Thats all for now.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


GO WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (only 1 left)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Life is kicking in.

Well IN was fun. we actually hit the race track this time and I got to watch danica Patrick race her car, and Helio castronva! It was pretty awesome. HOWEVER since I have been home we have discovered a few new things. First HEADWATERS IS CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!! Now this may not mean alot to Alot of you. BUT to Jenny, Dave and I it means ALOT. This is the place were Jenny and I first discovered Daves drinking problem. :):) Second, WHY can't people stay married now a days? I just heard some of my closest friends are on the verge of divorce. Very Sad. Third and Finally a verydear friend may not be able to have a beer for a long while with us. Long story I'm not gonna get into it but its a bummer TRUST ME!!!!!! Thats about it for news on my front. I am off of work for the next week and looking forward to some relaxing time! :):) And hopefully will get to see my nephews who I miss dearly. I'll check in again later.

Friday, May 8, 2009

A cute moment!

ok so I forgot to post this a while ago and have been meaning to do it. So while there is a lull in the action of bad choices weekend I thought I would throw it up. It pretty much says it all in the picture. But I do want to add. To all of the cousins out there. Who does dad remind you of. G-pa would have loved these great grandkids of his and this pic really made me miss him a little. Enjoy!!! :):)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bad Choices

I'm off to the land of bad choices for one more time before julia leaves. If I havent posted in about 6 days better start checking the jails for me!!!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


ok so in case you hadn't gathered. I"M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Above are the pics from grad and the after grad party that started out at spikes and ended about 3:30 at the barn!!!!!!! :):) Thanks for everyones help and prayers I never would have made it without them. :)

Friday, May 1, 2009


T-8hrs and Counting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Well I don't have much to say the title kinda says it all. Grad is in 2 days. :):) I'm excited to be done. Check in like sun or mon for pic's.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Gourgeous.....OWWW WAIT...Not such a gorugeous day!!!!!

Ok so first let me set the scene. I wake up at the Apartments in Carson City at the hospital. Enjoy my morning shower then start the tedious task of packing up and loading the car so come time to leave I can HIT THE ROAD. I plan ahead and last night grab a pop tart from the car. I can have a pop tart on my way out the door. Nice plan. THEN ALL HELL BRAKES LOOSE!!!!!

The Evil Culperat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(only it was the chocolate fudge ones)

The final result. I'm not lying when I say it hurt like a B*^%$. Note to self...Let pop Tart cool 10 mins before pulling from the taoter.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Theres One in every crowd

Ok so I'm driving home from church yesterday and on the radio comes the song "Theres one in every crowd," now i've heard this song before but never paid much attention to it. However today I was missing my Indiana boys , all three of them actually, be that from being out fri night or what I was missing them and excited I get to see them one more time. Anyways I just thought of Jimmy. Now below you will find a pic of jimmy (and myself) and the lyrics. While it may not mean much to alot of you. Those of you who understand will think it is HALERIOUS!!!!!!!! Enjoy!!!!!!

Lyrics to One In Every Crowd :
Golden Tee, shuffleboard, pinball, he's got the scorethat everybody around here's tryin to beat,he's a six pack up when he walks in,tells the band crank it up to 10,then he's up dancin on his seat,well he's a big mouth, yellin' hey play some free bird,says give me three steps and nobody gets hurt,then he takes off his shirt
Chorus:There's one in every crowd,brings the party in us out,good time charley with a harley, whiskey bent and hellbound,he's got the next round, but he always drinks for free,there's one in every crowd, and it's usually me,hey ya'll, hey ya'll, hey ya'll, there's one in every crowd
Got a fliptop box of marlboros,he'll bum a light and steal your girl,then laugh at you for gettin' all upset, well everybody here knows his name,makes everybody else look sane,when he's out, as far as you can get,in his mind he's a rock star, crankin' out that air guitar,til the bartender says fool, get off my bar
Chorus:There's one in every crowd,that brings the party in us out,good time charley with a harley, whiskey bent and hellbound,he's got the next round, but he always drinks for free,there's one in every crowd, and it's usually me,hey ya'll, hey ya'll, hey ya'll, there's one in every crowd
He's a hard drinkin man's man,and women love him when they can,he's a bartender's best friend,it ain't a party till he walks in
Chorus:There's one in every crowd,that brings the party in us out,good time charley with a harley, whiskey bent and hellbound,he's got the next round, but he always drinks for free,there's one in every crowd, and it's usually me,hey ya'll, hey ya'll, hey ya'll, there's one in every crowdIt's usually me, hey ya'll, hey ya'll, hey ya'll, there's one in every crowd, that's right
[ One In Every Crowd Lyrics on ]

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Well, not much to report on this end. As you can tell I got my computer back. THANK GOODNESS!!!!!! I started my new job at Carson City Hospital and it is going well so far. I have to work everyday next week and they hospital is letting me stay in one of their apartments FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I think thats about it. So if anyone is going to be in the area next week lets do dinner so I don't have to eat out bymyself!! :)

Friday, April 10, 2009


Hey Peeps just an FYI my computer is going in to get repaired. I found out that HP is having a prob with the wireless drivers on a bunch of computers and THANK GOD mine is qualifying for a free repair also. So I'll be off for at least a week. Maybe longer. BUT I start my job monday. You know Drug test and such. I'm so excited and so thankful that I finally got one. Keep me in your prayers as it could get rough. :):) everyone have a HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND please remember why we have it!! :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Some of the bad choices!

So last night we decieded to venture out to downtown and have dinner with Jeannie (julias sister, another cousin) ANYWAYS she took us to a mexacin resturaunt that was supposed to rival El torros (it was alright). We were enjoying our meal when we looked over and noticed the following pictures...Yes this would be a piture of the Last Supper... its so nice and thoughtful... YES this is what it looks like a picture of a mexcian haveing a little fun with a girl. ON THE WALL RIGHT NEXT TO THE LAST SUPPER!!!! I mean really. Only in the land of bad choices. :):)

Oh and of course it would be a trip down here without a trip to maurices....

There cute aren't they!!! I totally copied Julia but I can't help she found them first and I needed to have them also!!! :):) Anyways having fun this week after working and interviewing last week. I'll update when I come home.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I don't know how but I did it I finally have a job.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOOOOOO excited. It is in Carson City (MI). I'm to excited to sit here and blog about it but I will post more later. Thanks for all the prayers. THEY WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


MY COMPUTERS BROKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok not completely but almost my wireless won't work! I think the wireless thing is fried!! Anyone no anything about computers and want to fix it for free let me know??????

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Land of Bad Choices!

Well I got to IN today i'm here for a week to work and after that as long as my money holds out! :) I was laughing on the way down cuz I was thinking I was kinda missing this place a little. I'm sure I won't miss it as much after julia leaves but none the less I'm happy to be here if only for a week. Although I have to work a little while I'm here. Thats about it for now I'll try and post some pics after fri night!

Friday, March 27, 2009


Just an update I went to the interview and things went great. If you ask me I nailed it!!!! :) we shall see.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I cant' believe it but I actually have an interview. Who'd thunk!!! Anyways I just thought I would share. I'll keep ya posted.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My day in a nutshell!

Yes I know wierd for alot of people but not to me. just my general life. and yes I know that the pics are out of order. I'm still working on this whole blogging thing give me a break! :)
We left the house about 7a.m. this morning to pic up the vans down in Detroit and got home around 3:30p.m. at which point I packed up and headed in to babysit prestion. :):) I love my life

Got to prestons house about 5p.m. to babysit
My number 1 choice for my brothers new van
Imagein this van is grey...It would be the leading contender for my brother and Michelles new van...Sorry I uploaded the same pic twice!! hehe My bad...Use your imagination people

Monday, March 23, 2009

Pioneer Post

Alright I gave in to the peer pressure and opened a real blog account. I'm running out of time today but I'll work on getting a real post up here within the next couple of days!!!! Welcome to my world! :)