Sunday, August 22, 2010
Spiritual Insite
So at home in Greenville for a change I went to my church down here. Now mind you every time I go I usually find that I missed this pastors preaching quite a bit. So I expected to enjoy todays sermon just not as much as I did. Ecspecially seeing as how I had been at breakfast with some friends and really DID NOT feel like going. So anyways. The msg was based on Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Now while this may not mean a whole lot to a lot of you it means the world to me. Considering some of the things I have been through lately and going through presently it is an absolute comfort. Now while I'm sure as the days wear on it will be harder and harder to cling to this promise but for now, I GET IT! Thats all for now. Look it up, read it, live by it. It made for a great day today so imagine how the whole week will go if I can hold on to it! :)
Thursday, July 15, 2010
A trip inside my head!
So ever since I have been a little kid I have had trouble reading signs propler. I glance, I think they say one thing, and low and behold they say another...This has led to some very embarassing times growing up. There are 2 very specific ones I remember. The first one being a sign on a golf course that I SWORE read, "No snowballs on golf course." NOW i'm sure you are all smart enough to know that that sign REALLY read,"No SNOWMOBILES on golf course." That one happened when I was about 7ish. So the other major one happend when I was VERY little like 5 or younger and we always drove past this sign going up north or home. Below is a picutre of that very sign...
I know its a little distance away but in case you missed it it says, "Imaly City ALMONT (and it used to say 1mile) now... Judging from what this sign says I'm sure you can figure out that I always read it as, "Imaly City ALMOST 1 mile"...below you will see the new sign that is posted...I like to think they posted it this way for me and me alone!!! :)

Monday, July 5, 2010
My Thought Process!
I have the 3 cutest, bestest, most lovable, wouldn't trade them for anything nephews in the WHOLE world! (rylan and brandt are pretty great too)
I'm VERY excited for Jenny's baby (even though its another boy)
I love living in Greenville (even with ALL the alone time)
Life is a pretty harsh reality (expecially at 31)
Uggghhh I'm gonna be 31 in a few weeks (and still single)
Why am I still single at 31 (and don't even think about saying "If God wants it to happen it will" I KNOW OK)
Why do the guys seem to pick the other girl over me (seriously I would like to know so I can work on whats wrong with me)
Studying for boards makes me feel stupid (seriously why do I need to know that the transducer has crystals inside of it)
I'm ready to be done loosing weight (even though I have at minimum of 60 more lbs to go)
Even though I haven't worked on cars in a while I have still managed to change my flat tire WITHOUT breaking a nail thank you very much (and I proved my dad wrong FINALLY)
Eclispe was AWSOME (although I still think the next one will be my fav)
I have health insurance (even though its costing me a slight fortune)
I love that my car is paid off (even though its falling apart)
I am very thankful for my family (even though I want to kill them every time I go home)
I took 3 guys out on one date (and still went home alone)
OK FINE they were all married, dating someone, or my brother!
NEVER EVER go against your gut (no matter how hard someone pushes, its your gut for a reason)
If your stupid enough to go against your gut be prepared for one Hell of a ride (yes this is from experience)
I feel as though I need a Harley (I'm working on my bike license presently)
Do I want a harley or do I want a Mustang(which one would make me look hotter)
Did I mention I have the 3 cutest nephews EVER!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously this is my thought process all in about 10mins. Uggghhhh my head SUCKS!!!!!! :):)
I'm VERY excited for Jenny's baby (even though its another boy)
I love living in Greenville (even with ALL the alone time)
Life is a pretty harsh reality (expecially at 31)
Uggghhh I'm gonna be 31 in a few weeks (and still single)
Why am I still single at 31 (and don't even think about saying "If God wants it to happen it will" I KNOW OK)
Why do the guys seem to pick the other girl over me (seriously I would like to know so I can work on whats wrong with me)
Studying for boards makes me feel stupid (seriously why do I need to know that the transducer has crystals inside of it)
I'm ready to be done loosing weight (even though I have at minimum of 60 more lbs to go)
Even though I haven't worked on cars in a while I have still managed to change my flat tire WITHOUT breaking a nail thank you very much (and I proved my dad wrong FINALLY)
Eclispe was AWSOME (although I still think the next one will be my fav)
I have health insurance (even though its costing me a slight fortune)
I love that my car is paid off (even though its falling apart)
I am very thankful for my family (even though I want to kill them every time I go home)
I took 3 guys out on one date (and still went home alone)
OK FINE they were all married, dating someone, or my brother!
NEVER EVER go against your gut (no matter how hard someone pushes, its your gut for a reason)
If your stupid enough to go against your gut be prepared for one Hell of a ride (yes this is from experience)
I feel as though I need a Harley (I'm working on my bike license presently)
Do I want a harley or do I want a Mustang(which one would make me look hotter)
Did I mention I have the 3 cutest nephews EVER!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously this is my thought process all in about 10mins. Uggghhhh my head SUCKS!!!!!! :):)
Monday, May 24, 2010
I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Land of Bad Choices!!!
So I am preparing for a trip (small) but a trip none the less to the land of bad choices. I'm stoked I haven't been back in a year and I CAN NOT WAIT!!!! Now of course it is with bittersweet thoughts that I go back. You see my cousin...The one who taught me everything I know about parting...JULIA...Has recently gotten married, hence the reason for the trip we have to plan a party for her, but anyways...Do you suppose that shes married now and lost all of her fun going outness????? OR perhaps shes just that much better still has the fun going outness with a happy smile cuz shes married? Well we shall soon find out. Steph, Mom, Russ, and I head out Fri when I get out of work! Either way I'm extremly excited to go visit INDY. I have amde a bfast date with some good friends down there and figure its time for me to meet Julias new man. Don't worry though I will be back this time. I'm taking MOM!!!!! :):) I'll try and take a few pics to post when I get home !:)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
My AH HA Moment!!!!!
Yeah you know what I'm talking about that oint in your life when your like DUH!!! Should seen that one coming! Well this post is simply to state to all of you...LISTEN TO IT!!!!!!! I had and Ah HA moment this past weekend and DIDN"T listen to it and well lets just say I'm still paying for that mistake! :) Oh yeah Smirnoff Ice=Happy Kerry, Rum and Coke= Bitter Kerry! :):)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Ultimate!
So I'm writing to you today deep in thought. Its been plaguing my mind as of late. You know that all time question, "What are we here for?" Now some of you may never think of this question, but, I think of this question almost daily. Weird I know, however you know how some people are like I know what I want to do with my life and they are only like 3yrs old. 1yr ago I would have bet my life on the fact that I was put on this earth to be a wife and a mother! Well if you know me at all you know I have neither. NOW that does not mean I don't WANT either of those. Cuz as we all know I WANT to be a wife. But maybe my thinking that I should be a wife is just that my thinking. Maybe its not what God has in store for me. Or for that matter to be a mom. But I ask you why then does it weigh so much on my heart and mind. Why can't I go to bed at night and SLEEP knowing that it really is all in his plan. It Iritates me. AND for that matter if its NOT supposed to happen for me couldn't he just make that known to so I can get over it an move on? Now this is not a simple poor Kerry pity post. Its just something I was thinking on as of late. I was talking to a friend at work and she used to be a liscensed foster parent and was telling me the ins and outs of it. It sounds hard, emotional, hard, fun, hard, and maybe even a little rewarding. Now call me sentimental but all these thoughts came to my while watching the BLIND SIDE. Have you seen it? Well its good. BUT my point is this. I WANT THAT! I WANT my life to mean something to someone someday. Is that too much to ask. I feel like its just me in this little apartment, all I do is work, sleep, eat, and more work. Is that enough. Will it ever be enough to take that void away that screams at me that I want a family of my own? I don't know I guess I just want to know that Someone someday will show up to my funeral and that my absence in this world will be greatly missed. (beside by my nephews) :):)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Size 0 by my Birthday!!! Part THREE!!!
Well I did it I finally hit that 20lb mark. I feel like I've had quite the accomplishment and I'm soooooo not ready to give up. I've even gotten to were even though I'm tired I still want my work out. I go a minimum of 2x's a week to weigh in and actually look forward to it. So its going great. At work we have our own little Biggest Loser going on and I am the winner for the week. The person who wins gets $300, but the ends not till April sometime! :) I'm well on my way though. So enough of that. I had a very profound thought this week and thought i would ask it of all my readers. Why, I ask you, do we never want something until, of course, we can't have it??? Now I'm sure we all have asked this question at some point in our life. However the past few weeks it really has come to the front for me! Other than that not much else. Preston has to have surgery on his eye, I'm still single, I'm well on my way to size 0, Got my car back and fixed, and yes still working 3 jobs! :)
Monday, February 1, 2010
Size 0 by my Birthday Part DUEX!!!!
butter! Add about 2.5lbs more and you will have
the equivalent of the amount of weight I have
lost so far on my diet. 11.5lbs in 2 weeks and 1 day. Now I'm not good at this diet thing but I think thats pretty good! So just thought I would update. I'm gonna start excersiceing soon. So I should drop more. I htink Uncle Sam is going to give me enough back I can buy a wii and wii fit!! woohoo Biggest loser here I come!!!!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Woot Woot Spidermonkey!!!! Jenny's pregnat!!! Now to most of you this means little. HOWEVER to me it means. NEW PLAY TOY!!!! I have had jenny go buy drano for this weekends test, I made her pick up a key, I'm going to hold a needle over her tummy, and a few other things I found online! This is gonna be fun. :) Seriously though shes pregnant and I could not be more thrilled. While I love Taylor(her oldest daughter) I can not wait to see Jenny with a baby. How funny will that be. :) Anyways thats all for now. I'll keep ya posted on the results of our test and mayb post some pics! :)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Size 0 by my Birthday!!!!
OK so its really out in the open now so i guess I'll come clean. yes I have joined a diet program. Its the medical weight loss clinic here in Grand rapids. I'm still very iffy on it but doing my damdest to make it work. The picture below is just 1 meal for me. I eat about 6 times a day all yummy grocery store food. So we shall see. I have since I really started (3 days ago) droped 5lbs. So if you see the montra size 0 by my birthday just go with it! I know I could never be a size 0 its just the thought!. So thats it for now. I'll post later when I have more to report! :)

Monday, January 11, 2010
Not to much to update on. But the few things there are are as follows:
New Years party was a Hit (as usual) THANKS to all who came!!
I am officially moved in to the new Apartment and LOVING IT!!!!!
Russell asked me on the phone the other day "KerryBear why do you have to live so far away for your job?" And I wanted to cry on the spot. I think I'm moving back home for him now!!! :):)
I'm heading home this weekend to snowmobile and its way past due cuz I'm dying to go for a ride!!!
I am working almost full time right now as I have a coworker going out for about 6 weeks. :) Yea for my paycheck !:)
Yes I'm still working the other two jobs while working almost full time at that job
It snows ALOT in Greenville
Coupon shopping kicks ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and save you a ton of money too)
and last but I'm sure not least
I got my black boots for Christmas from santa and am IN LOVE with them!!! Thanks Santa!
thats it. Told you its kinda a boring life
New Years party was a Hit (as usual) THANKS to all who came!!
I am officially moved in to the new Apartment and LOVING IT!!!!!
Russell asked me on the phone the other day "KerryBear why do you have to live so far away for your job?" And I wanted to cry on the spot. I think I'm moving back home for him now!!! :):)
I'm heading home this weekend to snowmobile and its way past due cuz I'm dying to go for a ride!!!
I am working almost full time right now as I have a coworker going out for about 6 weeks. :) Yea for my paycheck !:)
Yes I'm still working the other two jobs while working almost full time at that job
It snows ALOT in Greenville
Coupon shopping kicks ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and save you a ton of money too)
and last but I'm sure not least
I got my black boots for Christmas from santa and am IN LOVE with them!!! Thanks Santa!
thats it. Told you its kinda a boring life
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